Best guitar picks for beginners

What are the best guitar picks for beginners

When you are new to guitar and especially to electric guitar, there are many things related to that.
Think of different kinds of guitars, amps, effects pedals, playing styles, music and more.
What could be the best guitar picks for beginners, might not be the first thing to think about for most people.

In this blog we’d like tell you a little more about all interesting things in the world of guitar picks.

Why would you start with thin guitar picks

Where ever you read about the best guitar picks for beginners, people say that the best guitar pick must a thin and flexible one. In my opinion that is absolute nonsense.
I think that, as a beginner, you should try different guitar picks and choose what you like best.

When choosing a guitar pick as a beginner, it’s important to consider a few key factors like thickness, material, and shape.


  • Extremely Light – Standard guitar picks usually come in a variety of thicknesses, starting at ca. 0.50mm, up to 0.60mm, which is extremely light and in my opinion useless.
  • Light – Between 0.60mm and let’s say 0.70mm we consider as light picks.
  • Medium – from 0.70mm up to ca. 1.00mm classify for medium guitar picks.
  • Heavy – Anything thicker than 1.00mm is considered heavy in term of thickness of guitar picks.

Guitar pick materials

The materials used for guitar picks mostly are plastics in many different forms, woods, metal, glass and some more.  

The different picks made out of plastics are made of the below mentioned materials. This category of different plastics comes in many options. We wrote more about this in another blog. All these plastics have their own feel and sound.

  • Celluloid: Warm tone, traditional feel.
  • Nylon: Warm tone, extremely flexible and less volume, good for strumming.
  • Tortex: Balanced tone, durable
  • Ultex: Bright tone, more durable.
  • Polycarbonate / Lexan: less bright, more durable
  • Acrylic: More rigid than polycarbonate, so it is more likely to chip or crack when struck with a sharp or heavy object (metal strings).
  • Thermoset: Bright and balanced tone with more bottom-end and lots of volume, extremely durable and mostly ergonomic grip. Does not chip when hit or struck with any hard material.

Celluloid picks

Celluloid picks are available in many different colors. The material is very soft, which creates a warm tone because of the soft material. They create less volume opposed to picks made out of a harder material. As a result, you have to hit the strings harder to let the strings ring. Usually with these kinds of picks, string breakage is more common.

Ultex & Polycarbonate picks

The left pick is made of Ultex.
The right pick is made of Polycarbonate.
Both materials classify for the harder types of guitar picks. The flexibility is reduced compared to celluloid picks.

Thermoset picks

ChickenPicks guitar picks are all made out of thermoset, which is a thermosetting plastic.

Thermoset is unique in the world of guitar picks and due to its easy grip, these are perfect picks for beginners.

They don’t slip out of your hand. The thickness and mass of the picks allow you to grip not too firmly. As a result, there is less tension in your picking hand/arm.

Shape and size of the guitar pick

There are a lot of different shapes for guitar picks. From tear drop shape to triangular and the so-called 351 models.
The 351-model is the well-known “standard” shape for guitar picks and this might be your first idea of the best guitar pick for beginners.

In fact, all kinds of shapes will be available in different sizes.
Think of the larger triangular picks vs. smaller triangle picks. And teardrop picks mostly come in smaller sizes.

Popular small picks are the famous Jazz III type picks with sharp tips. Although they’re called Jazz picks, these are the most used by metal- and rock guitarists who play fast and articulate solos.

We also see that our most popular picks are the smaller ones like the Shredder 3.5 & 2.4mm and the Badazz III picks (2.0 – 2.5 – 3.2mm).

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.

Guitar pick tip: Sharp vs. Round
  • For more precise picking and articulate notes, you would prefer a sharp tip.
  • With round tips the sound may be fuller, which would be a better pick for beginners.
  • Round tips may be better for strumming and not too fast riffs. But all depends on your preferences.

Higher level picks

At ChickenPicks guitar picks we have a different idea on (beginner) guitar picks and that’s why our picks are quite thick. It has to do with creating a better sound, allowing you to play more easily and with better ergonomic grip.
This all helps you to let you, as a beginner guitar player, faster play the things you like with a more professional sound.

You might also read our blog on why would you prefer thin- and flexible guitar picks.
Instead of using thin and flexible picks, you could also choose a thick- and beveled plectrum; it may be the best beginner guitar pick for you.

Thickness features of guitar picks

Depending on what you want to play on your guitar, thickness of the guitar pick may have a variety of influences.

  • Strumming – At a first glance light picks may work for you when you like to strum some easy chords.
  • Single notes – If you are up to take the next step, you’d want to pick more precisely and sound more articulate. For single notes you would want to use a thicker guitar pick
  • Solos – Especially when you play electric guitar and you want to play the solos of your favorite guitar players as well as your own solos, you would need a heavy guitar pick. A heavy guitar pick may be a lot thicker. From let’s say 2.0mm picks might have beveled edges for better control and speed.

Guitar picks should not to be thin and flexible.

And this is why:

  • Thin guitar picks produce a thinner sound because there is less material to let the string ring.
  • The more material, the more mass. And more mass means more sound.
  • Thin picks often are more flexible and too much flexibility in a guitar pick causes delay in a picked note.
  • Heavy- or thick picks won’t bend and have more mass for a more pronounced tone.
  • The flexibility of thick and rigid guitar picks is in your hands instead of being in the pick; this means that your picking hand technique will be developed from the start.
  • Besides that, 2.0mm picks and thicker often have beveled edges. As a result, it’s much easier to glide on and of the strings with less effort.
  • You do not have to grip the pick too firmly with a thicker and rigid guitar pick. In this case you could try one of these picks: Light 2.2 / Shredder 2.4 / Badazz III 2.5mm.

Recommended: Best pick for beginners:

When you’re new at guitar, there are many things and information that comes by, especially on the internet. Think of the many different types of guitars, amps, effect pedals, guitar picks etc. etc.
In the amount of information, it is difficult to focus on what actually is important for you.

In case to find the best beginner guitar pick, we hope that we can give you the information you need.
We think there are no best guitar picks for beginners; you have to find out what suits you best by trying a hand full of picks made out of the different materials mentioned earlier.

In relation to the price of a guitar and/or amp, the price of a hand full of guitar picks is negligible in my opinion.

How to hold a guitar pick

You should read our blog about the different ways to hold your guitar pick, which may vary on the style you play and if you play acoustic or electric guitar.

In general

Place the guitar pick on top of your index finger with a little less than let’s say 6mm sticking out past the fingertip. The pick is sandwiched between the thumb and the side of the (curled) index finger.
The index finger should be behind the pick, supporting it.
The point of the pick should face the same direction as your finger read more:

Guitar essentials:

In guitar essentials we write about interesting things every guitarist should know a bit of, especially when you’re new to (electric) guitar.
We definitely don’t dig deep into theories or technical aspects.
You will find many scientific documents about anything somewhere on the internet.

Guitar picks sizes chart

When you want to know more about the picks and their dimensions, please check our guitar picks sizes chart.

What others say about ChickenPicks guitar picks

Musikhaus Thomann
Chicago Music Exchange
Anatomy of guitar tone

ChickenPicks guitar picks

About the author

Hi, my name is Eppo Franken and I started to make my own picks in the mid ’80’s.
In 2010 my wife Jolanda and I started ChickenPicks guitar picks, because we’d like to see if others would enjoy them as well.

I play guitar since 1980 and my favorite style is country chicken picking and some kinds of rockabilly.
Send us an e-mail and let’s talk about guitar tone and picks

Big Muff: First ever and best distortion pedal?

The Big Muff by Electro Harmonix, developed in 1969, is ​​one of the most iconic pedals in the history of stompboxes.
Designed by Bob Myers and Mike Matthews.
Since its birth, many versions of this iconic pedal appeared. For many people Big Muff is the best distortion pedal available.

Big Muff

Some of the many versions of the pedal included in the banner above.
The success of the Big Muff was in its unique sound, but certainly also in its reliability and price/quality ratio.
And of course, because it was one of the very first pedals for guitar player ever; new sounds, new ideas!

Axis Fuzz was at the cradle of the Big Muff

The Axis Fuzz, a predecessor of the Big Muff, was made by Mike Matthews for other companies in the mid-1960s.

In 1967 he built the pedal for Guild, which called it the Foxey Lady.
The circuit of this pedal is based on two transistors. Later, there were four, like in an original Muff.

On the right is a 1968 Foxey Lady made for Guild.

Electro Harmonix founded in 1968

Keyboardist Mike Matthews founded Electro-Harmonix in 1968. The first pedal made was the Linear Power Booster.
But as we all know one of the best-known pedals from EHX is the Big Muff, together with the Memory Man.
The first version of the Muff appeared in 1969, but they sold starting in 1971.
Mike Matthews said: the name of the pedal ‘Muff’ is an abbreviation of “muffled”. This is strange because the sound of a Muff definitely isn’t muffled.

A brief history of the Big Muff:

1969 – Muff Fuzz

The Muff Fuzz is a simple fuzz whose circuit is based on only two transistors (comparable to a Fuzz Face). The pedal is in the same compact box as the LPB-1 (Linear Power Booster).

1969 – Big Muff Pi (V1)

This is the very first version of the iconic pedal, also called the Triangle Big Muff. Designed by Bob Myer and Mike Matthews. It is a completely original design and is therefore not a copy of an existing circuit.


EHX developed The Muff in the 1970s and they had more than 6 different versions. This included the well-known Ram’s Head. The pedal became popular and many guitarists started using the pedal. David Gilmour (Pink Floyd) and Carlos Santana were the first known Muff users. Other famous users were Jimi Hendrix, Carlos Santana, John Lennon (The Beatles), Robert Fripp, Steve Howe and Ace Frehley (KISS)


Electro-Harmonix had to temporarily cease its activities in 1982. The 1980s were therefore not productive years as far as the Muff was concerned. EHX released a new version of the Deluxe Big Muff Pi in 1980. However, the demand for the Muff remained unprecedentedly high and EHX reintroduced the pedal in the 1990s.


The 1990s started with the first Russian-made Muff released under the name Mike Matthews/Sovtek, followed by the ‘Civil War’ version. The green and black versions later on were all manufactured in Russia.

1990 – Mike Matthews Red Army Overdrive

70s Muffs sold for a lot of money in the ’90’s.

Mike made a deal with a production company in St. Petersburg, Russia.
However, he no longer owned the rights to the pedal and therefore called it the ‘Mike Matthews Red Army Overdrive’ by Sovtek.

These pedals these days are extremely rare and sought after. On the internet we have seen pedals for sale for more than USD 1,600.00..!!!

Big Muff, the best distortion pedal?

For many guitar players the Big Muff is the best distortion pedal. And for others the best fuzz pedal.
But what is the best? It definitely was the first and many other distortion pedals on the market are great as well.
With many things “the first/original” is the best according to people talking about quality in musical instruments/accessories etc.

For example:
Is an old 1954 – 1964 Stratocaster the best Stratocaster? For me maybe, but probably not for you.
It’s the same for guitar amps and guitar picks and much more.

On the other hand, checking on reviews from some really famous guitar players (below) it’s a fact that the Big Muff has a special place in the world of stompboxes.

True bypass in relation to “Tone suck“.

The Big Muff is a famous true bypass pedal.
What “true bypass” actually means is that the mechanical on/off footswitch physically connects the input jack socket to the output socket in bypass mode.
Read more about true bypass vs buffered pedals and the right guitar effects pedal order on your pedalboard.

Buffered pedals

A well designed “buffer” maintains both signal quality and level but with the added benefit of having a low output impedance capable of driving long cables or feeding other true bypass pedals with much less quality loss.
When some poor pedals are in a chain, a bad buffer ruins your tone.

Tone suck

You absolutely need some true bypass pedals on your board, but you definitely must combine them with some great buffered pedals.
For more information, please check the “tone suck” blog.

Famous artists using the Big Muff and their opinion about it:

David Gilmour of Pink Floyd – Primary distortion pedal used throughout his career beginning in 1977 was a V2 Big Muff.

“I think his general feeling is that while rack effects tend to cover a lot of areas, they don’t cover any of them particularly well. He feels that foot pedals such as a Big Muff tend to have more character” Phil Taylor, David Gilmour’s gear tech in 1994

Alex Lifeson of Rush used a Big Muff for the Anarchist solo from Clockwork Angels. He has also said he likes the Russian Big Muff.

Pete Townshend of The Who – Spotted using a V3 Big Muff in the studio in the late 1970’s.

The Edge of U2 – used A USA reissue Big Muff is often in his giant effects rack.

Ace Frehley of Kiss – Big Muff used on early Kiss records

“On the early KISS records, I used my tobacco-sunburst Gibson Les Paul Standard with a rewound hot pickup through a Marshall stack or old Fender tweed amp on most of the studio recordings. I used an Electro-Harmonix Big Muff to overdrive them sometimes” – Ace Frehley in 2010

Dan Auerbach of The Black Keys used green Russian Sovtek Big Muffs in his live rig, and the Hoof Big Muff clone from Earthquaker Devices.

Big thank you to Kit Rae.

If you’d like to know more about this pedal, go to the great info page about the Electro Harmonix Big Muff.

Also check the Big Muff Page.

More from Electro Harmonix (EHX)

EHX is well known for dozens of other cool stompboxes.
So go and check out their website for all other cool stuff from this New York City based company.

Read more about ChickenPicks guitar picks.

Read about why I developed these guitar picks in 1985.
I was looking for better sound and maybe more important, I was searching for a guitar pick that allowed me to improve my playing and that a pick that bends (flexible), is counterproductive in achieving the right tone.
I found out that playability/balance of a plectrum definitely is as important as having the right guitar.

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.

About the author

Hi, my name is Eppo Franken and I started to make my own picks in the mid ’80’s.
In 2010 my wife Jolanda and I started ChickenPicks guitar picks, because we’d like to see if others would enjoy them as well.

I play guitar since 1980 and my favorite style is country chicken picking and some kinds of rockabilly.
Send us an e-mail and let’s talk about guitar tone and picks

Guitar Summit 2024

How to make your guitar sound better

Read here how to make your guitar sound better

How to make the guitar sound better is one of the things all guitar players deal with. Whether you are new at guitar or an advanced player, everybody is on the search for better tone.
Especially for those who are new to guitar and want to know how to make the guitar sound better, we wrote this blog.

Improving the sound of your guitar can involve several steps, ranging from basic maintenance to more advanced modifications.

Here are some tips how to make your guitar sound better:

  1. Change Strings Regularly
    Old strings can sound dull and lifeless. Changing them regularly keeps your guitar sound better. Experiment with different string gauges and types and brands to find the ones that suit your playing style and guitar best.
  1. Proper Tuning will make your guitar sound better
    Ensure your guitar is always in tune. Invest in a good tuner and check tuning frequently, especially before playing.
    Besides real tuners, there some great smartphone apps. These work perfect when there’s only the sound of your guitar. For band use, these are not the best option, because of the noise of all other instruments and environmental noises.
  1. String Height
    Adjust the action (string height) to your preference. Although a low action can make the guitar easier to play, it might cause your strings to buzz.
    Higher action can increase sustain and volume but might be harder to play.
    Read our blog about fretboard radius and fret buzz.
  1. Intonation
    Proper intonation ensures that your guitar sounds better in tune across the entire fretboard. This can be adjusted at the bridge. When you’re new to guitar, it might be helpful to have this done by a professional.
    Intonation is inseparable from guitar scale length. This is important to know how to intonate your guitar.
  1. Trussrod
    Adjusting the truss rod can correct the neck’s curvature, which can improve playability and sound. For a quick reference fret a string on the 1st fret and on the 12th fret. The gap between the bottom of the string and the 7th fret should be around the thickness of your “high E string” or let’s say 0.10-inch.
    Never turn your trussrod more than a quarter to the left or to the right.
    Doing this wrong definitely may destroy your guitar. Please consult a professional to work on this.
Make your guitar sound better or string action
  1. Condition of the fretboard
    Regularly clean the fretboard and body of the guitar. Use a proper guitar cleaner and cloth for the fretboard to keep it in good condition.

About Hardware

  1. The Nut:
    A high-quality nut (made of bone, tusq, or graphite) can improve sustain and tuning stability. Sometimes the material of the nut could be replaced by another material. Let a professional check this and let him/her check if the string slots are well filed.
  1. Bridge and Saddles:
    Upgrading to better quality bridge pins (for acoustic) or saddles (for electric) can enhance tone and sustain.
  1. Tuners:
    High-quality tuners ensure better tuning stability and ease of tuning.

Electronics (Electric Guitars)

  1. Pickups:
    Upgrading pickups can drastically change and help on making your guitar sound better.
    Choose pickups that suit your style of music.

Single coil or humbucking pick-ups?

Note that in fact there are 2 types of pick-ups for guitar:
– Single coil pick-ups
– Humbucker pick-ups, a double-coil pick-up.

Single-coil pickups tend to have brighter, crisper tone. Humbuckers typically have a “thicker” sound; one that is perceived as rounder and warmer.

Here on the right a so-called Nashville Telecaster with 3 single coil pick-ups.

Single coil pick-ups for guitar better sound
  1. Pots, capacitors and shielding:
    High-quality potentiometers and capacitors can improve the responsiveness and tonal range of your guitar. And be sure of the right way of shielding of your guitar. Proper shielding can reduce unwanted noise and hum, making your guitar sound better and cleaner. Get this checked by a professional.

Acoustic Guitar better sound tips

  1. Saddle and Bridge Pins:
    Upgrading to a bone or tusq saddle and bridge pins can make the guitar sound better. Talk about this with a professional and listen to guitars equipped with the different materials.
  1. Humidity Control:
    Keep your guitar in a controlled environment to prevent warping or cracking. Use a guitar humidifier if necessary.
    The ideal humidity range for your guitar is 45-55% Relative Humidity (RH). Extended exposure to high or low humidity can lead to guitar damage.
  1. Sound Hole:
    Some sound hole covers or enhancers can help improve the projection and clarity of your acoustic guitar. Especially feedback problems may be reduced using a sound hole cover.

Cheap electric guitars v.s. expensive

Of course, expensive guitars may have several benefits in relation to cheap guitars.
Quality issues may be things like soldering, cheaper pots and shielding etc.
But be advised that an expensive guitar may not always sound better.

I my opinion the sound of a guitar has mostly to do with the character of it. For example that typical sound of an old Telecaster can be achieved by cheap electric guitars, while some expensive models don’t have that sound you’re looking for.
I have played extremely expensive guitars that did not make any sense to me. So quality only has to do with personal preferences.

Even some old and pricey 50’s & 60’s Fender or Gibson guitars sometimes do not sound the way you would expect.
Each guitar has to be evaluated because quality issues always are exemplary.

Make a cheap guitar sound better

With some of the recommendations mentioned you may be able to make a cheap guitar sound better. For instance, your $500.00 guitar could sound like it is a $2,000.00 guitar. In most cases you will have to take your guitar to a professional guitar tech.

Best guitar picks for beginners

When you’re new to guitar, you might want to know what is the best guitar pick for beginners;
In another blog we wrote, you may find all things that are interesting for starters and especially which ones are the best guitar picks for beginners.

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.

Amplification and Effects (for Electric Guitars)

  1. Amplifier:
    A good amplifier is crucial on how to make your guitar sound better. Experiment with different amps and settings.
    Ask yourself for what purpose you need an amp. Just as for home use, or rehearsal or for use on a large stage with band.
    Check for more information about the differences between several types of guitar amps our blog about guitar amps.
  2. Speaker and/or cabinet
    Beside the amp, the speaker is important as well. With guitar speakers there are mainly 2 different types.
    Open back- and closed back cabinets (also in combo version).
    Check this interesting blog about the difference between the 2 in Would you prefer an open- or closed back cabinet.
  3. Effects Pedals:
    Use effects pedals judiciously to shape your tone. Overdrive, reverb, delay, and modulation effects can help how to make your guitar sound better. This of course, is totally up to your preference.
    The world of guitar fx-pedals is huge and you definitely can get lost in it.

    You may need a good distortion pedal (a.k.a. fuzz pedal) for getting the right edge on your sound.
    Some guitar amps may sound too clean for several kinds of music.
    According to many people, one of the best distortion pedals could be the EHX Big Muff from Electro Harmonix.

    Using fx-pedals could be great, but try to avoid “Tone suck”. This has to do with the wrong order of pedals in the chain. Read our blog about Tone suck.
  4. Cables:
    Invest in high-quality cables to ensure a clean signal path. Cables definitely can make a difference in tone. Just try some different brands.

Playing Technique

  1. Practice:
    Consistent practice can improve on how to make your guitar sound better and your technique. Work on your picking and strumming techniques, and ensure you are fretting notes cleanly.
  1. Guitar picks:
    Experiment with different picks. The thickness and material of the pick will definitely affect the tone of your guitar.
    Boutique guitar picks definitely can help you to make your guitar sound better, because of the material used and the shape of the picks in general.
    The material, shape and attention of the creator of these kinds of picks make your guitar play easier and sound better. Especially beveled edges allow you to glide on- and off the strings very easily.
Heavy guitar pick

At ChickenPicks guitar picks we started making picks in another way than picks available.
I started making picks for my self in 1985 because I needed the sound of thicker picks.
The picks available (Dunlop, Fender etc.) didn’t feel well balanced and sounded dull to me.

When you like a bright sound with clear mid- and bottom-end tones, you definitely should try on of our picks.
Check out the Badazz III if you like Jazz III shaped small guitar picks.
For a great Fender Medium pick replacement, you should check our Light 2.2 or Regular 2.6. Even the Shredder picks might be the perfect shape for you.

When triangular picks is your preference, you should check out the Bermuda III, the Bermuda III-P or Bermuda III-XL.
All of our picks are perfect for bass guitar as well. Especially the Bermuda III and Bermuda III-XL are popular as bass guitar picks as well.

Best guitar picks for acoustic guitar

Although acoustic guitars are different to electric guitar at some point, there is no specific guitar pick for acoustic guitars.
Finding out what the best guitar picks for acoustic are for you, means that you have to check out different models, thicknesses and materials.
In another Guitar Essentials we wrote some useful guidelines for choosing the best picks for acoustic.

How to make your guitar sound better: conclusion

By paying attention to the mentioned aspects, you can significantly make your guitar sound better.
Start with the basics and gradually move to more advanced upgrades and modifications as needed.

And consult a professional guitar tech for some of the adjustments you like to do.

In many cases the way an instrument is played, determines the way it sounds. When a top guitar player plays a $500.00 guitar, it will sound great because of the artist.
The way you pluck your strings may be one the most important reasons why a guitar sounds as it does.

Start with trying different guitar picks, because guitar picks really matter on sound.

What others say about ChickenPicks guitar picks

Musikhaus Thomann
Chicago Music Exchange
Anatomy of guitar tone

About the author

Hi, my name is Eppo Franken and I started to make my own picks in the mid ’80’s.
In 2010 my wife Jolanda and I thought that it may be interesting to look if other people also would like my idea of picks.
I play guitar since 1980 and my favorite style is country chicken picking and some kinds of rockabilly.

Send an e-mail and let’s talk about guitar tone and picks 🙂

Boutique guitar picks

Boutique guitar picks are high-quality, often handcrafted or hand finished guitar picks, designed to provide better tone and playability. Of course, compared to cheaper mass-produced plastic picks.

The craftsmanship and materials used often result in unique tonal characteristics, enhanced playability and ergonomic grip.


Boutique guitar picks are usually made from a variety of materials. Think of wood, metal, gemstones, acrylic, and synthetic materials.

Every kind of material has its influence on the pick’s tone and durability.

It requires more to become boutique picks

Besides the materials, there are more features that make them more special in relation to cheap plastic picks:

  • Craftsmanship: These picks are often hand-made or produced in small batches, ensuring a high level of attention to detail and quality control.
  • Designs: Many boutique plectrums feature unique shapes, thicknesses, and designs that cater to specific playing styles and preferences. Thicker picks in general have several benefits in relation to thin plectrums. Thinner picks will bend and you don’t want that, because that works against precision.
  • Enhanced Playability: The design and materials of boutique picks often offer better grip, improved precision, and a more comfortable playing experience. Compare it to a cheap car and a luxurious German limo.
  • Looks: These picks often have good looks, making them attractive to collectors and musicians who appreciate artistry.
  • Price: Due to their nature and the premium materials used, boutique plectrums are generally more expensive than standard picks.
  • Better quality: Advanced and professional guitar players and any enthusiasts who search for the best in both better performance and playability, may find their go to pick in boutique guitar picks.

Boutique guitar picks are often crafted by hand and materials are carefully selected. Materials are known for their beauty, durability and tone. In many cases boutique guitar picks may eliminate pick noise. Read more about the 11 ways to get rid of pick noise.

How to hold a guitar pick correctly

Place the guitar pick on top of your index finger with a little less than let’s say 6mm sticking out past the fingertip.
The pick is sandwiched between the thumb and the side of the index finger.
Your index finger should be behind read more…

ChickenPicks guitar picks

Of all boutique plectrums, ChickenPicks guitar picks holds a special place. This is because the use of Thermoset, which is unique in the world of guitar picks.

Thermoset has a very dense composition of the material, which gives it more mass and an extremely hard product.

Because the material is so extremely hard, it lasts longer and it has a huge impact on the tone of the plectrum.
Besides the material, the thickness and beveled edges make ChickenPicks guitar picks very popular amongst a wide variety of guitar players worldwide in over 100 different countries.

Read here why I created these picks in 1985.

Hand finished at a social workplace

Our products are machine made and finished by hand.

Finishing and packaging finds place in a social workplace. They’re checked- and sanded by hand.

At ChickenPicks guitar picks we find it important that everyone, with or without all kinds of disabilities must have a chance to live a good life.

Boutique guitar picks we offer:

We have a guitar pick for everybody, whether you play acoustic- or electric guitar or even bass guitar.
Below you will find the different models in short.
If you need exact sizes and thicknesses, please check our guitar pick size chart.

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.

Light 2.2 and Regular 2.6

Standard 351 shaped model plectrums. Thickness 2.2mm and 2.6mm.

The perfect match for those playing Fender medium guitar picks or any Dunlop standard.

Regular boutique guitar picks

Light boutique guitar picks

Best guitar picks for beginners

When you’re new to guitar, you might want to know what is the best guitar pick for beginners;
In another blog we wrote, you may find all things that are interesting for starters and especially which ones are the best guitar picks for beginners.

Shredder 2.4 and 3.5 boutique guitar picks

Standard shaped boutique plectrum. 13% smaller and popular for those using Jazz II shaped guitar picks.
The rounded tip is for comfortable playing pleasure. Available in 2.4mm and 3.5mm.

Shredder boutique picks

Go to the Shredder product page, or check the full product description

Badazz III 2.0, 2.5 and 3.2

Jazz III shaped guitar pick, available in 2.0mm, 2.5mm and 3.2mm thickness.

Extremely popular amongst Dunlop Jazz III players looking for better tone and playability.

Heavy guitar pick

Bermuda III 2.1 and 2.7

Standard triangle picks with a rounded tip and 2 semi pointy tips.

Available in 2.1mm and 2.7mm and popular with triangular plectrum users in general and many bass guitar players use it as bass guitar pick.

ChickenPicks Bermuda III guitar picks

Bermuda III-P 2.1 and 2.7 [Pointy]

Identical to the Bermuda III, but this model has 3 extremely sharp “Pointy” tips.

These sharp tips allow you to pick accurately and the sound is crisp & loud.

Because you don’t have to grip too firmly, it’s easy to play fast riffs with a minimum on effort.

Bermuda III-P guitar picks or plectrums

Go to the Bermuda III-P product page or check the full product description

Bermuda III-XL 2.1 (boutique guitar picks)

Identical to the standard Bermuda III picks, but this is an XL (Extra Large) version.

We had many requests from customers who asked for a specific Bass pick, because typical bass guitar picks weren’t available.

Although the name is Bermuda III-XL, its alias is “The bass pick”. Boutique plectrum for bass guitar.

After being introduced in 2022, many people also use on guitar and still many guitar players like it for guitar as well

ChickenPicks Bermuda III XL Bass Pick

Go to the Bermuda III-XL product page or check the full product description.

Best (boutique) guitar picks for acoustic guitar

Although acoustic guitars are different to electric guitar at some point, there is no specific guitar pick for acoustic guitars.
Finding out what the best guitar picks for acoustic are for you, means that you have to check out different models, thicknesses and materials.
In another Guitar Essentials we wrote some useful guidelines for choosing the best picks for acoustic.

What others say about ChickenPicks guitar picks

Musikhaus Thomann
Chicago Music Exchange
Anatomy of guitar tone

Check our Google reviews and add one if you’re happy with our products.

About the author

Hi, my name is Eppo Franken and I started to make my own picks in the mid ’80’s. In 2010 my wife Jolanda and I thought that it may be interesting to look if other people also would like my idea of picks.
I play guitar since 1980 and my favorite style is country chicken picking and some kinds of rockabilly.
Send us an e-mail and let’s talk about guitar tone and picks 🙂

Bermuda III-XL ChickenPicks guitar picks

Why guitar- and bass players use Bermuda III-XL picks

Looking for great tone and precise picking? You will be surprised by the playability and tone of the Bermuda III XL guitar picks.

  • The sound is much more solid and pick noise is reduced to a minimum
  • Pronounced loud-, clear- and bright tone with lots of bottom-end
  • Thermoset is very rigid (not bending at all) eliminating unwanted pick drag
  • You never played fast and picked accurately that easy with guitar picks for great tone
  • Very easy to hold due the thickness of the body
  • You don’t have to grip too firmly, which does avoid hand fatigue
  • The material is extremely hard and rigid, this ensures edges won’t get chipped.
  • These plectrums ensure you months and maybe years of utmost playing pleasure

This all encouraged me in 1985 to design my plectrum of choice. And if you want to read more about why I developed these picks, you may read this article.

There is always a ChickenPicks guitar picks plectrum that will fit your needs.

Back to product page “Bermuda III-XL”.

Guitar picks for the best tone and precise picking

The Bermuda III-XL is a guitar plectrum in the extended 346-model shape and it’s available in 2.1 mm.
It has 3 rounded tips for strumming & picking and beveled edges for more comfort, like all of our picks.

The pick feels perfectly balanced in your hand. This is a result of the beveled edges and thickness.
Of course, in combination with the size of the pick.

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.


Hand fatigue will be reduced to a minimum with these picks. You don’t have to grip too firmly, which lessens forearm tension.
Our plectrums don’t feel like standard heavy plectrums.
I.e. the beveled edges make the gripping surface quite smaller and this results in a more comfortable and ergonomic grip.

More mass for the best tone

Bermuda III-XL guitar picks or plectrum

Because of the material composition the pick has more mass.
The more mass, means more tone, because this heavy pick pulls nice mid- and bottom-end tones out of your strings.
The beveled edges in combination with the greater mass ensures a more ergonomic grip.

As a result, you will experience instant playing pleasure with a pick that may last a few years.

Highest standard

The guitar pick shape of this Bermuda III-XL is created with the highest standard of ergonomics to avoid any picking arm damage.

For triangular pick users in particular

The Bermuda III-XL is perfect for people that use medium and heavy gauged picks, but mainly large triangle picks.
Playing with our thicker products will reduce hand fatigue. Why? You do not have to grip too firmly and this will reduce tension in your picking arm.

Boutique guitar picks in general

All of our picks classify for boutique guitar picks, which is a term for picks with a certain shape and made out of special materials.
We wrote an interesting article about boutique guitar picks in general. Read more here.

Thinner plectrums may create annoying pick noise and unwanted overtones and a trebly thinner tone as well.
Guitar picks with greater mass create more mid- and bottom end tones and less picking noise.
The sound is still clear and bright and this works well on how to make your guitar sound better.
The material we use, definitely is different to the ones made out of “standard” plastics like acrylic, Tortex, Delrin and other cheaper or inferior materials.

Nearly all ChickenPicks users used thin guitar picks before they finally changed to the Bermuda III-XL.
Of course, this also applies to the other great models we offer.

Thickness of the Bermuda III-XL plectrum

You might think this plectrum is too thick. After trying these plectrums, you will be amazed by how easy it is to play your favorite riffs.
There are many different models to choose from. The Bermuda III-XL comes in the plectrum thickness 2.1 mm.
You might find your pick of choice here below. These picks also are perfect as bass guitar picks and as mandolin picks as well.

Triangle picks with less pointy tips also available

You may want to have your triangle picks with less sharp pointy tips; try our Bermuda III picks.
These picks are shaped like standard 346 shaped picks, but still with the ChickenPicks guitar picks quality.
You will find the Bermuda III picks here.

Triangle picks with extremely pointy tips

You may want to have your triangle picks with sharp pointy tips; try our Bermuda III-P picks.
The “P” stands for “Pointy”.
You will find the Bermuda III-P (Pointy) picks here.

Multiple pick packages for the best price

Check out our multiple pick packages at a reduced price, when you already found your favorite plectrum.
Besides the single pick packages mentioned below, there are many options to choose from.
Packs of guitar picks with 2 or 3 picks of the same kind. And for all kinds of Bermuda III-XL models: check ’em out here.

Variety plectrum sets for all your needs

Not sure about which plectrum to choose?
Wether you are looking guitar picks or bass picks, we have a variety of packs of guitar picks.
These packs contain different models and pick sizes. With these you are able to test different models within 1 pack.

Back to product page “Bermuda III-XL”.

How to hold a guitar pick

Place the guitar pick on top of your index finger with a little less than let’s say 6mm sticking out past the fingertip.
The pick is sandwiched between the thumb and the side of the index finger.
Your index finger should be behind read more…

Guitar pick sizing chart

For the sizing chart click here.

What others say about ChickenPicks guitar picks

Musikhaus Thomann – ChickenPicks guitar picks page
Chicago Music Exchange – ChickenPicks guitar picks page – ChickenPicks guitar picks review

Go to product pages:

Bermuda III-P ChickenPicks guitar picks

Why professionals play Bermuda III-P picks

Looking for great tone and precise picking? You will be surprised by the playability and tone of the Bermuda III-P guitar picks.

  • The sound is much more solid and pick noise is reduced to a minimum
  • Pronounced loud-, clear- and bright tone with lots of bottom-end
  • Thermoset is very rigid (not bending at all) eliminating unwanted pick drag
  • You never played fast and picked accurately that easy with guitar picks for great tone
  • Very easy to hold due the thickness of the body
  • You don’t have to grip too firmly, which does avoid hand fatigue
  • The material is extremely hard and rigid, this ensures edges won’t get chipped.
  • These plectrums ensure you months and maybe years of utmost playing pleasure

This all encouraged me in 1985 to design my plectrum of choice. And if you want to read more about why I developed these picks, you may read this article.

There is always a ChickenPicks guitar picks plectrum that will fit your needs.

Back to product page “Bermuda III-P”.

Guitar picks for the best tone and precise picking

The Bermuda III-P is a guitar plectrum in the 346-model guitar pick with extra pointy tips and it’s available in 2.1 & 2.7 mm.
It has 3 extremely pointed tips for precise picking and and beveled edges for more comfort, like all of our picks.
The pick feels perfectly balanced in your hand. This is a result of the beveled edges and thickness. Of course, in combination with the size of the pick.

Hand fatigue will be reduced to a minimum with these picks. You don’t have to grip too firmly, which lessens forearm tension.
Our plectrums don’t feel like standard heavy plectrums.
I.e. the beveled edges make the gripping surface quite smaller and this results in a more comfortable and ergonomic grip.

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.

More mass for the best tone

The material and thickness create more mass, resulting in a pick with bright- and clear tone.

The tone with these picks has lots of mid- and bottom end as well.

This is the guitar plectrum for great tone and ultimate playing pleasure.
The greater mass and the beveled edges ensure you instant playing pleasure.

The guitar pick shape of this Bermuda III-P is created with the highest standard of ergonomics to
avoid any picking arm damage.


For triangular pick users in particular

The Bermuda III-P is perfect for people that use medium and heavy gauged picks, but mainly pointed triangle picks.
Playing with our thicker products will reduce hand fatigue. Why? You do not have to grip too firmly, which reduces tension in your picking arm.

Boutique guitar picks in general

All of our picks classify for boutique guitar picks, which is a term for picks with a certain shape and made out of special materials.
We wrote an interesting article about boutique guitar picks in general. Read more here.

Thinner plectrums may create annoying pick noise and unwanted overtones and a trebly thinner tone as well.
Guitar picks with greater mass create more mid- and bottom end tones and less picking noise.
The sound is still clear and bright and it works well on how to make your guitar sound better.
The material we use, definitely is different to the ones made out of “standard” plastics like acrylic, Tortex, Delrin and other cheaper materials.

Nearly all ChickenPicks users used thin guitar picks before they finally changed to the Bermuda III-P.
Of course, this also applies to the other great models we offer.

Thickness of the Bermuda III-P plectrum

You might think this plectrum is too thick. After trying these plectrums, you will be amazed by how easy it is to play your favorite riffs.
There are many different models to choose from. The Bermuda III-P comes in the plectrum sizes 2.1 and 2.7 mm.
You might find your pick of choice here below.

Triangle picks with less pointy tips also available

You may want to have your triangle picks with less sharp pointy tips; try our Bermuda III picks.
These picks are shaped like standard 346 shaped picks, but still with the ChickenPicks guitar picks quality.
You will find the Bermuda III picks here.

Extra large triangular (bass) picks

Extra large triangle picks usually are used for playing bass guitar, but they’re perfect for guitar as well.
We have one model with the name Bermuda III-XL, called “The bass pick”. But of course, this one is perfect to play guitar with as well.
Bass guitar strings are thicker and the distance between each string to the other is significant larger than as for guitar strings.
For that reason bass plectrums sometimes are larger and thicker, but any other pick will work well as a bass pick

Multiple pick packages for the best price

Check out our multiple pick packages at a reduced price, when you already found your favorite plectrum.
Besides the single pick packages mentioned below, there are many options to choose from.
Packs of guitar picks with 2 or 3 picks of the same kind. And for all kinds of Bermuda III-P models: check ’em out here.

Variety plectrum sets for all your needs

Not sure about which plectrum to choose?
Wether you are looking guitar picks or bass picks, we have a variety of packs of guitar picks.
These packs contain different models and pick sizes. With these you are able to test different models within 1 pack.

Back to product page “Bermuda III-P”.

How to properly hold a guitar pick

Place the guitar pick on top of your index finger with a little less than let’s say 6mm sticking out past the fingertip.
The pick is sandwiched between the thumb and the side of the index finger.
Your index finger should be behind read more…

Guitar pick sizing chart

For the sizing chart click here.

What others say about ChickenPicks guitar picks

Musikhaus Thomann
Chicago Music Exchange

Go to product pages:

Bermuda III ChickenPicks guitar picks

Why guitar players play Bermuda III picks

Looking for guitar plectrum for great tone? You will be surprised by the playability and tone of the Bermuda III guitar picks.

  • The sound is much more solid and pick noise is reduced to a minimum
  • Pronounced loud-, clear- and bright tone with lots of bottom-end
  • Thermoset is very rigid (not bending at all) eliminating unwanted pick drag
  • You never played fast and picked accurately that easy with guitar picks for great tone
  • Very easy to hold due the thickness of the body
  • You don’t have to grip too firmly, which does avoid hand fatigue
  • The material is extremely hard and rigid, this ensures edges won’t get chipped.
  • These plectrums ensure you months and maybe years of utmost playing pleasure

This all encouraged me in 1985 to design my plectrum of choice. And if you want to read more about why I developed these picks, you may read this article.

There is always a ChickenPicks guitar picks plectrum that will fit your needs.

Back to product page “Bermuda III”.



Guitar picks for the best tone

The Bermuda III is a guitar plectrum in the 346-model guitar pick shape and it’s available in 2.1 & 2.7 mm.
It has a more rounded tip and 2 more pointed tips, but not extremely pointed.
It also has beveled edges for more comfort, like all of our picks.
The pick feels perfectly balanced in your hand. This is a result of the beveled edges and thickness. Of course, in combination with the size of the pick.
Our plectrums don’t feel like standard heavy plectrums. I.e. the beveled edges make the gripping surface quite smaller and this results in a more comfortable and ergonomic grip.

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.

More mass for the best tone

The material and thickness create more mass, resulting in a pick with bright- and clear tone.
The tone with these picks has lots of mid- and bottom end as well.

Bermuda III guitar pick or plectrum

This is the guitar plectrum for great tone and ultimate playing pleasure. The greater mass and the beveled edges ensure you instant playing pleasure.
The guitar pick shape of this Bermuda III is created with the highest standard of ergonomics to avoid any picking arm damage.



For triangular pick users in particular

The Bermuda III is perfect for people that use medium and heavy gauged picks, but mainly triangle picks.
Playing with our thicker products will reduce hand fatigue. Why? You do not have to grip too firmly, which reduces tension in your picking arm.

Boutique guitar picks in general

All of our picks classify for boutique guitar picks, which is a term for picks with a certain shape and made out of special materials. We wrote an interesting article about boutique guitar picks in general. Read more here.

Thinner plectrums may create annoying pick noise and unwanted overtones and a trebly thinner tone as well.
Guitar picks with greater mass create more mid- and bottom end tones and less picking noise. But the sound is still clear and bright.
The material we use, definitely is different to the ones made out of “standard” plastics like acrylic, Tortex, Delrin and other cheaper materials.

Nearly all ChickenPicks users used thin guitar picks before they finally changed to the Bermuda III.
Of course, this also applies to one of the other great models available here.

Thickness of the Bermuda III plectrum

You might think this plectrum is too thick. After trying these plectrums, you will be amazed by how easy it is to play your favorite riffs.
There are many different models to choose from. The Bermuda III comes in the plectrum sizes 2.1 and 2.7 mm.
You might find your pick of choice here below.


Triangle picks with pointy tips

You may want to have your triangle picks with sharp pointy tips; try our Bermuda III-P picks.
The “P” stands for “Pointy”.
You will find the Bermuda III-P (Pointy) picks here.


Extra large triangular (bass) picks

Extra large triangle picks usually are used for playing bass guitar, but they’re perfect for guitar as well.
We have one model with the name Bermuda III-XL, called “The bass pick”. But of course, this one is perfect to play guitar with as well.
Bass guitar strings are thicker and the distance between each string to the other is significant larger than as for guitar strings.
For that reason bass plectrums sometimes are larger and thicker, but any other pick will work well as a bass pick

Also perfect as mandolin picks and bass guitar picks as well

The Bermuda III picks are widely used for guitar, but as bass guitar picks and as mandolin picks. For a reason most mandolin players prefer the perfect triangular picks for their mandolin.

Multiple pick packages for the best price

Check out our multiple pick packages at a reduced price, when you already found your favorite plectrum.
Besides the single pick packages mentioned below, there are many options to choose from.
Packs of guitar picks with 2 or 3 picks of the same kind. And for all kinds of Bermuda III models: check ’em out here.

Variety plectrum sets for all your needs

Not sure about which plectrum to choose?
Wether you are looking guitar picks or bass picks, we have a variety of packs of guitar picks.
These packs contain different models and pick sizes. With these you are able to test different models within 1 pack.

Back to product page “Bermuda III”.

How to hold a guitar pick 

Place the guitar pick on top of your index finger with a little less than let’s say 6mm sticking out past the fingertip.
The pick is sandwiched between the thumb and the side of the index finger.
Your index finger should be behind read more…

Guitar pick sizing chart

For the sizing chart click here.

What others say about ChickenPicks guitar picks

Musikhaus Thomann
Chicago Music Exchange


Go to product pages:

Badazz III ChickenPicks guitar picks

Badazz III: a guitarist’s choice

Looking for guitar plectrum for great tone? You will be surprised by the playability and tone of the Badazz III guitar picks.

  • The sound is much more solid and pick noise is reduced to a minimum
  • Pronounced loud-, clear- and bright tone with lots of bottom-end
  • Thermoset is very rigid (not bending at all) eliminating unwanted pick drag
  • You never played fast and picked accurately that easy with guitar picks for great tone
  • Very easy to hold due the thickness of the body
  • You don’t have to grip too firmly, which does avoid hand fatigue
  • The material is extremely hard and rigid, this ensures edges won’t get chipped.
  • These plectrums ensure you months and maybe years of utmost playing pleasure

This all encouraged me in 1985 to design my plectrum of choice. And if you want to read more about why I developed these picks, you may read this article.

There is always a ChickenPicks guitar picks plectrum that will fit your needs.

Back to product page “Badazz III”.


Guitar picks for great tone

The Badazz III 2.0 is a guitar plectrum in the Jazz III guitar pick shape and the thickness is 2.0 mm.
It has a pointed tip and beveled edges for more comfort.
The picks feel perfectly balanced in your hand. This is a result of the beveled edges and thickness in combination with the size of the pick.
Our plectrums don’t feel like standard heavy plectrums. The beveled edges make the gripping surface smaller and this results in a more comfortable and ergonomic grip.

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.


Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.

More mass for the best tone

The material and thickness create more mass, resulting in a pick with bright- and clear tone.
The tone with these picks has lots of mid- and bottom end as well.

Badazz III 2.0 guitar pick or plectrum

This is the guitar plectrum for great tone and ultimate playing pleasure. The greater mass and the beveled edges ensure you instant playing pleasure. The guitar pick shape of this Badazz III is created with the highest standard of ergonomics to avoid any picking arm damage.

For Jazz III users as well as for small pick lovers in general

The Badazz III guitar pick is perfect for people that use standard medium and heavy gauged small picks.
In particular plectrums like the famous Jazz II and III picks as well as all kinds of teardrop shaped plectrums.
Playing with our thicker picks will reduce hand fatigue.
The reason for this: you do not have to grip too firmly, which reduces tension in your forearm.

How to hold a guitar pick correctly

Place the guitar pick on top of your index finger with a little less than let’s say 6mm sticking out past the fingertip.
The pick is sandwiched between the thumb and the side of the index finger.
Your index finger should be behind read more…

Boutique guitar picks in general

All of our picks classify for boutique guitar picks, which is a term for picks with a certain shape and made out of special materials. We wrote an interesting article about boutique guitar picks in general. Read more here.

Place the guitar pick on top of your index finger with a little less than let’s say 6mm sticking out past the fingertip.
The pick is sandwiched between the thumb and the side of the index finger.
Your index finger should be behind read more…

Thinner plectrums may create annoying pick noise and unwanted overtones and a thinner tone as well.
Guitar picks with greater mass create more mid- and bottom end tones and less pick noise.
The sound is still clear and bright and it works well on how to make your guitar sound better.
The material we use, definitely is different to picks made out of “standard” plastics like acrylic, Tortex, Delrin and other cheaper materials.

In the end, nearly all ChickenPicks users used thin guitar picks before they finally changed to the Badazz III or one of the other great picks available here.

Thickness of the Badazz III guitar plectrum

You might think this plectrum is too thick.
After trying these plectrums, you will be amazed by how easy it is to play your favorite riffs.
There are many different models to choose from. The Badazz III comes in the plectrum sizes 2.0, 2.5 and 3.2 mm.
You might find your pick of choice here below.

Multiple pick packages for the best price

Check out our multiple pick packages at a reduced price, when you already found your favorite plectrum.
Besides the single pick packages mentioned below, there are many options to choose from.
Packs of guitar picks with 2 or 3 picks of the same kind. And for all kinds of Badazz III models: check ’em out here.

Variety plectrum sets for all your needs

Not sure about which plectrum to choose?
Wether you are looking guitar picks or bass picks, we have a variety of packs of guitar picks.
These packs contain different models and pick sizes. With these you are able to test different models within 1 pack.

Useable as bass plectrums

Bass picks actually aren’t different to guitar picks. In some cases they’re a bit larger and sometimes thicker.
The ChickenPicks Badazz III is perfect for guitar. Believe it or not, it is a popular bass pick as well.

Back to product page “Badazz III”.

Guitar pick sizing chart

For the sizing chart click here.

What others say about ChickenPicks guitar picks

Musikhaus Thomann
Chicago Music Exchange

Go to product pages:

Shredder 2.4 & 3.5

Why people use the Shredder guitar pick

Looking for guitar plectrum for great tone? You will be surprised by the playability and tone of the Shredder 3.5 guitar picks.

  • The sound is much more solid and pick noise is reduced to a minimum
  • Pronounced loud-, clear- and bright tone with lots of bottom-end
  • Thermoset is very rigid (not bending at all) eliminating unwanted pick drag
  • You never played fast and picked accurately that easy with guitar picks for great tone
  • Very easy to hold due the thickness of the body
  • You don’t have to grip too firmly, which does avoid hand fatigue
  • The material is extremely hard and rigid, this ensures edges won’t get chipped.
  • These plectrums ensure you months and maybe years of utmost playing pleasure

This all encouraged me in 1985 to design my plectrum of choice. And if you want to read more about why I developed these picks, you may read this article.

There is always a ChickenPicks guitar picks plectrum that fits your needs.

Back to product page “Shredder“.


Guitar picks for great tone

The Shredder 3.5 is a guitar plectrum in the 351-model guitar pick shape and the thickness is 3.5 mm.
It has a rounded tip and beveled edges for more comfort.
The picks feel perfectly balanced in your hand. This is a result of the beveled edges and thickness in combination with the size of the pick.
Our plectrums don’t feel like standard heavy plectrums. The beveled edges make the gripping surface smaller and this results in a more comfortable and ergonomic grip.

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.

More mass for the best tone

The material and thickness create more mass, resulting in a pick with bright- and clear tone.
The tone with these picks has lots of mid- and bottom end as well.

Shredder 3.5 guitar pick or plectrum

This is the guitar plectrum for great tone and ultimate playing pleasure. The greater mass and the beveled edges ensure you instant playing pleasure.

For Jazz II & III users as well as for small pick lovers

The Shredder guitar pick is perfect for people that use standard medium and heavy gauged picks, but especially when smaller picks are preferred. Think of Jazz II and III picks as well as all kinds of teardrop shaped plectrums.
Playing with our thicker picks will reduce hand fatigue.
The reason for this: you do not have to grip too firmly, which reduces muscle tension in your forearm.

Thinner plectrums may create annoying- and unwanted overtones and a thinner tone as well.
Guitar picks with greater mass create more mid- and bottom end tones and less pick noise.

In the end, nearly all ChickenPicks users used thinner guitar picks before they finally changed to the Shredder or one of the other great “boutique” picks available here.

Boutique guitar picks in general

All of our picks classify for boutique guitar picks, which is a term for picks with a certain shape and made out of special materials. We wrote an interesting article about boutique guitar picks in general. Read more here.

Thickness of the Shredder guitar plectrum

You might think this plectrum is too thick. After trying these plectrums, you will be amazed by how easy it is to play your favorite riffs.
There are many different models to choose from. The Shredder comes in 3.5 and 2.4 mm.
You might find your pick of choice here below and the sound is still clear and bright: it works well on how to make your guitar sound better.

Multiple pick packages for the best price

Check out our multiple pick packages, when you already found your favorite plectrum.
Besides the single pick packages mentioned below, you may also find 2- and 3- plectrums in a pack at a discounted price.

Variety plectrum sets for all your needs

Not sure about which plectrum to choose?
Wether you are looking guitar picks or bass picks, we have a variety of packs of guitar picks.
These contain different models and pick sizes. Regarding this you are able to test different models within 1 pack.

Bass picks actually aren’t different to guitar picks. In some cases they’re a bit larger and sometimes thicker.
The ChickenPicks Shredder is perfect for guitar. And it is a popular bass pick for many people as well.

Back to product page “Shredder“.


How to correctly hold a guitar pick

Place the guitar pick on top of your index finger with a little less than let’s say 6mm sticking out past the fingertip.
The pick is sandwiched between the thumb and the side of the index finger.
Your index finger should be behind read more…

Guitar pick sizing chart

For the sizing chart click here.

What others say about ChickenPicks guitar picks

Musikhaus Thomann
Chicago Music Exchange


Go to product pages:

Regular 2.6 ChickenPicks guitar picks

Why people use the Regular 2.6 guitar pick

Looking for guitar plectrum for great tone? You will be surprised by the playability and tone of the Regular 2.6 guitar picks.

  • The sound is much more solid and pick noise is reduced to a minimum
  • Pronounced loud-, clear- and bright tone with lots of bottom-end
  • Thermoset is very rigid (not bending at all) eliminating unwanted pick drag
  • You never played fast and picked accurately that easy with guitar picks for great tone
  • Very easy to hold due the thickness of the body
  • You don’t have to grip too firmly, which does avoid hand fatigue
  • The material is extremely hard and rigid, this ensures edges won’t get chipped.
  • These plectrums ensure you months and maybe years of utmost playing pleasure

This all encouraged me in 1985 to design my plectrum of choice. And if you want to read more about why I developed these picks, you may read this article.

There is always a ChickenPicks guitar picks plectrum that fits your needs.

Back to product page “Regular 2.6“.


Guitar picks for great tone

The Regular 2.6 is a guitar plectrum in the 351-model guitar pick shape and the thickness is 2.6mm.
It has a rounded tip and beveled edges for more comfort.
The picks feel perfectly balanced in your hand. This is a result of the beveled edges and thickness in combination with the size of the pick.
Our plectrums don’t feel like standard heavy plectrums. The beveled edges make the gripping surface smaller and this results in a more comfortable and ergonomic grip.

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.

More mass for the best tone

The material and thickness create more mass, resulting in a pick with bright- and clear tone.
The tone with these picks has lots of mid- and bottom end as well.

Regular 2.6 guitar pick or plectrum

This is the guitar plectrum for great tone and ultimate playing pleasure. The greater mass and the beveled edges ensure you instant playing pleasure.

For .73 and .88 medium pick users

The Regular 2.6 guitar pick is perfect for people that use standard medium and heavy gauged picks.
Playing with our thicker picks will reduce hand fatigue. The reason for this: you do not have to grip too firmly, which reduces muscle tension in your forearm.

Thinner plectrums may create annoying- and unwanted overtones and thinner tone as well.
Guitar picks with greater mass create more mid- and bottom end tones.

In the end, nearly all of our customers used thinner guitar picks in the past, before they started using our “boutique” picks.

Boutique guitar picks in general

All of our picks classify for boutique guitar picks, which is a term for picks with a certain shape and made out of special materials. We wrote an interesting article about boutique guitar picks in general. Read more here.

Thickness of the Regular 2.6 guitar plectrum

You might think this plectrum is thick. Actually it is one of the thinnest we have to offer.
After trying these plectrums, you will be amazed by how easy it is to play your favorite riffs.
The Regular 2.6 may also be your favorite pick for bass guitar.
There are many different models to choose from. You might find your pick of choice here below.

Multiple pick packages for the best price

Check out our multiple pick packages, when you already found your favorite plectrum.
Besides the single pick packages mentioned below, you may also find 2- and 3- plectrums in a pack at a discounted price.

Variety plectrum sets for all your needs

Not sure about which plectrum to choose?
Wether you are looking guitar picks or bass picks, we have a variety of packs of guitar picks.
These contain different models and pick sizes. Regarding this you are able to test different models within 1 pack.

Bass picks actually aren’t different to guitar picks. In some cases they’re a bit larger and sometimes thicker.
The ChickenPicks Regular 2.6 is perfect for guitar. And it is a popular bass pick for many people as well.

Back to product page “Regular 2.6“.

How to hold a guitar pick

Place the guitar pick on top of your index finger with a little less than let’s say 6mm sticking out past the fingertip.
The pick is sandwiched between the thumb and the side of the index finger.
Your index finger should be behind read more…

Guitar pick sizing chart

For the sizing chart click here.

What others say about ChickenPicks guitar picks

Musikhaus Thomann
Chicago Music Exchange


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Light 2.2 ChickenPicks guitar picks

Why people use the Light 2.2 guitar pick

Looking for guitar picks for great tone? You will be surprised by the playability and tone of the Light 2.2 guitar plectrum.

  • The sound is much more solid and pick noise is reduced to a minimum
  • Pronounced loud-, clear- and bright tone with lots of bottom-end
  • Thermoset is very rigid (not bending at all) eliminating unwanted pick drag
  • You never played fast and picked accurately that easy with guitar picks for great tone
  • Very easy to hold due the thickness of the body
  • You don’t have to grip too firmly, which does avoid hand fatigue
  • The material is extremely hard and rigid, this ensures edges won’t get chipped.
  • These plectrums ensure you months and maybe years of utmost playing pleasure

This all encouraged me in 1985 to design my plectrum of choice. And if you want to read more about why I developed these picks, you may read this article.

There is always a ChickenPicks guitar picks plectrum that fits you.

Back to product page “Light 2.2“.


Guitar picks for great tone

The Light 2.2 is a guitar plectrum in the 351-model guitar pick shape and the thickness is 2.2mm.
It has a rounded tip and beveled edges for more comfort.
The picks feel perfectly balanced in your hand. This is a result of the beveled edges and thickness in combination with the size of the pick.
Our plectrums don’t feel like standard heavy plectrums. The beveled edges make the gripping surface smaller and this results in a more comfortable and ergonomic grip.

Light 2.2 guitar pick - plectrum

More mass for the best tone

The material and thickness create more mass, resulting in a pick with bright- and clear tone.
The tone with these picks has lots of mid- and bottom end as well.

This is the guitar plectrum for great tone and ultimate playing pleasure. The greater mass and the beveled edges ensure you instant playing pleasure.

For .73 and .88 medium pick users

The Light 2.2 guitar pick is perfect for people that use standard medium and heavy gauged picks.
Playing with our thicker picks will reduce hand fatigue. The reason for this: you do not have to grip too firmly, which reduces muscle tension in your forearm.

Thinner plectrums may create annoying- and unwanted overtones and thinner tone as well.
Guitar picks with greater mass create more mid- and bottom end tones.

In the end, nearly all of our customers used thinner guitar picks in the past.

Thickness of the Light 2.2 guitar plectrum

You might think this plectrum is thick. Actually it is one of the thinnest we have to offer.
After trying these plectrums, you will be amazed by how easy it is to play your favorite riffs.
The Regular 2.6 may also be your favorite pick for bass guitar.
There are many different models to choose from. You might find your “Boutique” pick of choice here below.

Boutique guitar picks in general

All of our picks classify for boutique guitar picks, which is a term for picks with a certain shape and made out of special materials. We wrote an interesting article about boutique guitar picks in general. Read more here.

Better grip using pick grippers

Regardless the brand or shape of the pick, it remains important that your pick stays stable and does not slip or turn between your fingers. Gripperzz are specially designed for the best grip on your guitar pick. Gripperzz are small soft rubber grip stickers in the shape of a guitar pick.

Multiple pick packages for the best price

Check out our multiple pick packages, when you already found your favorite plectrum.
Besides the single pick packages mentioned below, you may also find 2- and 3- plectrums in a pack at a discounted price.

Variety plectrum sets for all your needs

Not sure about which plectrum to choose?
Wether you are looking guitar picks or bass picks, we have a variety of packs of guitar picks.
These contain different models and pick sizes. Regarding this you are able to test different models within 1 pack.

Bass picks actually aren’t different to guitar picks, but in most cases they’re a bit larger and sometimes thicker.
The ChickenPicks Light 2.2 is perfect for guitar as well as a being a popular bass pick for many people.

Back to product page “Light 2.2“.

Guitar pick sizing chart

For the sizing chart click here.

How to hold a guitar pick

Place the guitar pick on top of your index finger with a little less than let’s say 6mm sticking out past the fingertip.
The pick is sandwiched between the thumb and the side of the index finger.
Your index finger should be behind read more…

What others say about ChickenPicks guitar picks

Musikhaus Thomann
Chicago Music Exchange

Go to product pages:

Guitar pick size chart

What is tone suck?